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 ■ The strategy for JLPT  <Class Timetale>

  Grades of new and old versions basically are correspondence. So, we
 foundamentally refer to 『Japanese-Language Proficiency Test: Test
 Content Specifications【Revised Edition】』〔The Japan Foundation〕and
 use retire tests as well as pratical subjects from news papers close to the
 mainstream of drawing up the themes, plus explanations of new questions
 from the new exam. It'll enhance the actual appling capabilities in Japanese
 overall. Even if to whom has not attended tests, the course in NEW・
 Japanese-Language Proficiency Test gives an extremely efficent option to
 whom would like to improve their Japanes levels entirely.


 The strategy for (EJU)   <Class Timetale>

  日本留学試験で出題されるアカデミックジャパニーズに焦点を合わせた授 業が行われます。日本語の総合的なレベルを高めることを目指 しています。

  日本語の部分では、文章以外の視覚情報(図表や文字情報・箇条書きなど)に 関係する題材も多く取り入れています。

  総合科目は、多文化理解の視野からみた現代の世界と日本についての テー マが中心となります。現代日本についての基本的な知識と近現代の 国際社会 の基本的な問題について、政治・経済を中心として地理、歴史 の3分野から 総合的に勉強していきます。


  化学は物質の化学的性質(無機物質・有機物質・合成高分子化合物・有機化 合物の反応)、物質の状態、化学反応、物質の構造


  数学T(文系)は方程式と不等式、二次関数、 図形と計量、平面図形、集合 と論理、場合の数と確率

  数学U(理系)は数学Tの範囲を含めて、式と証明・高次方程式、図形と方程 式、いろいろな関数、微分・積分の考え、数列、ベクトル、極限、微分法、積 分法、行列とその応用、式と曲線



  In-depth study in Japan  <Class Timetale>>

  Before visiting Japanese scenic spots, enjoying Japanese delicacies, and  experiencing Japanese literature and art, let's investigate the interesting  history and culture behind them together.
  We use self-made teaching materials by our institution. In addition to learn  the essential Japanese in the daliy life, increasing useful vacabularies while  traveling will make you practice applied Japanese conversation in high  spirits.


  Microscopic World    <Class Timetale>

  Introduce the culture and the habit of the basic necessities of life in each  country. In addition to national custume, musical introduction, and cooking  classes, there will be regional festivals introduced by local languages.


<Voice of Students>

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 Jin Ling


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 Yu JunLin


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 Shi HaoYun


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 Wu ZhengJie



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 Zhang Ying


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 Pan JiaQi



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 Fan Zhihua






tokyo view
 Zhang Lu


 What's NEW?

A new class has opened in SANBANCHO.


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  Limitation of use | Last Updated : 2018.4.1